With 135k residents, Charleston, South Carolina had a median age of 34.8 and a typical household income of $68,438 in 2019. Charleston, South Carolina saw a 1.12% rise in population between 2018 and 2019—from 133,762 to 135,257—and a 5.94% increase in its median family income—from $64,599 to $68,438.
White (Non-Hispanic) (71.5%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (21.6%), White (Hispanic) (2.57%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (1.92%), and Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (1.4%) make up Charleston, South Carolina's 5 largest ethnic groupings. In Charleston, South Carolina, 0% of homes have a predominant language other than English.
Residents of Charleston, South Carolina, make up 97.5% of the population.
The three biggest universities in Charleston, South Carolina are the Medical University of South Carolina (1,085 degrees), Citadel Military College of South Carolina (1,049 degrees), and College of Charleston (2,549 degrees conferred in 2020). (976 degrees).
Charleston, South Carolina's median home value in 2019 was $330,600, while the homeownership rate was 55.6%. The majority of persons in Charleston, South Carolina commuted alone by car, taking an average of 21.3 minutes. In Charleston, South Carolina, there were typically two cars per household.
135k individuals call Charleston, South Carolina home, of which 97.5% are citizens. 4.82 percent of Charleston, South Carolina, residents were foreign-born as of 2019. (6.52k people).
In Charleston, South Carolina, White (non-Hispanic) citizens made up the majority of the population (96.7k) in 2019, by a factor of 3.31. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups were White (Hispanic) with 3.47k and 29.2k inhabitants, respectively.
In Charleston, South Carolina, White (non-Hispanic) citizens made up the majority of the population (96.7k) in 2019, by a factor of 3.31. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups were White (Hispanic) with 3.47k and 29.2k inhabitants, respectively.
Charleston, South Carolina has 3.24% Hispanic residents (4.38k people).
4.82% of Charleston, South Carolina citizens (6.52k persons) were foreign-born as of 2019, which is less than the 13.7% national average. Foreign-born residents made up 4.46% of the population in Charleston, South Carolina in 2018, a growing percentage.
In Charleston, South Carolina, the median age of the population was 34.8 in 2019. The median age of citizens of domestic birth was 35, which was generally younger than the median age of citizens of foreign birth, which was 40. However, the population of Charleston, South Carolina, is aging. The average age of all residents of Charleston, South Carolina, in 2018 was 35.
Mexico accounted for 64,736 of South Carolina's foreign-born residents' birthplaces in 2019, followed by India with 14,943 and Honduras with 11,181 foreign-born individuals.
In comparison to the national average of 93.4%, 97.5% of Charleston, South Carolina people were citizens of the US as of 2019. Charleston, South Carolina had 97.7% US citizens as of 2018, indicating a declining citizenship rate.
Charleston, South Carolina has 1.31 times more military soldiers living there who served in Vietnam than in any other combat.
Charleston, South Carolina's median household income is $68,438. Census Tract 2 in Charleston, South Carolina had the highest median household income in 2019 with a value of $151,750, followed by Census Tract 204.03 and Census Tract 1 with values of $122,297 and $111,941, respectively.
In South Carolina, the average income of men is $1.37 times greater than that of women, who earn $43,921. South Carolina's income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.461, which is less than the country as a whole.
Charleston, South Carolina's economy supports 74k jobs. In Charleston, South Carolina, the highest paying industries are Management of Companies & Enterprises ($101,625), Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services ($64,459), and Utilities ($56,375), and the largest industries are Health Care & Social Assistance (10,990 people), Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (8,773 people), and Accommodation & Food Services (8,403 people)
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EAS Environmental is a specialty asbestos and lead abatement and demolition company that service the state of South Carolina.
Phone: 843-977-3273
Email: sturner@easenvironmental.com
Address: 9012 Timber St. North Charleston, SC 29406
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