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Charleston COUNTY, SC

Learn more about Charleston County, SC

In 2019, there were 411k residents living in Charleston County, South Carolina, with a median age of 38.4 and a median family income of $71,531. Charleston County, South Carolina saw a 1.36 percent growth in population between 2018 and 2019—from 405,905 to 411,406—and a 12.7 percent gain in its median family income—from $63,459 to $71,531.

White (Non-Hispanic) (64.8%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (26.3%), White (Hispanic) (4.05%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (1.71%), and Two+ (Non-Hispanic) are the 5 major ethnic groups in Charleston County, South Carolina (1.63 percent ). In Charleston County, South Carolina, there are no households whose the primary language is something other than English.

Americans make up 95.8% of the population of Charleston County, South Carolina.

The largest universities in Charleston County, South Carolina are Citadel Military College of South Carolina, College of Charleston (2,549 degrees conferred in 2020), and Trident Technical College (2,138 degrees) (1,085 degrees).

The homeownership rate in Charleston County, South Carolina, was 63.7 percent in 2019, while the median property value was $342,500. The majority of persons in Charleston County, South Carolina commuted by themselves by car, taking 23 minutes on average. In Charleston County, South Carolina, households owned two cars on average.

Charleston County, South Carolina, shares borders with Georgetown County, Berkeley County, Colleton County, and Dorchester County.





There are 411k people living in Charleston County, South Carolina, of which 95.8% are citizens. 5.28 percent of Charleston County, South Carolina residents were born abroad as of 2019. (21.7k people).

Charleston County, South Carolina has 2.46 times as many White (non-Hispanic) citizens than any other race or ethnicity (263k persons) in 2018. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 107k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 16.4k White (Hispanic) inhabitants.

Ethnicity and Race

Charleston County, South Carolina has 2.46 times as many White (non-Hispanic) citizens than any other race or ethnicity (263k persons) in 2018. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 107k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 16.4k White (Hispanic) inhabitants.

In Charleston County, South Carolina, 5.09 percent of the population is Hispanic (20.7k people).

Population Born Abroad

5.28 percent of Charleston County, South Carolina's (21.7k) citizens were foreign-born as of 2019, which is less than the country's average of 13.7 percent. In Charleston County, South Carolina, there were 4.8 percent foreign-born residents in 2018, a growing percentage.

by Nativity, Age

In Charleston County, South Carolina, the average age of the population was 38.4 in 2019. The median age of citizens of the United States was 39, which was generally older than the median age of citizens of other countries, which was 36. However, the population of Charleston County, South Carolina, is aging. The average age of all residents of Charleston County, South Carolina, in 2018 was 38.

Worldwide Diversity

Mexico was the country of origin of 61,323 South Carolina residents who were born abroad in 2019. Honduras came in second with 21,432 and India came in third with 16,010.


In comparison to the national average of 93.4 percent, the citizenship rate in Charleston County, South Carolina, as of 2019 was 95.8 percent. Charleston County, South Carolina had 96.8 percent US citizens as of 2018, indicating a declining citizenship rate.


1.47 times more military soldiers from Vietnam served in Charleston County, South Carolina, than in any other combat.


Charleston County, South Carolina's median household income is $71,531. Census Tract 21.04 in Charleston County, South Carolina had the highest median household income in 2019 with a value of $193,750, followed by Census Tract 46.13 and Census Tract 2 with values of $178,021 and $151,750, respectively.

In South Carolina, the average income of males is $1.38 times greater than that of females, who earn $44,965. South Carolina's income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.459, which is lower than the US average.

Charleston County's economy supports 211k jobs. In Charleston County, South Carolina, the highest paying industries are finance & insurance ($80,958), management of companies & enterprises ($76,058), and professional, scientific, & technical services ($75,319). The three industries with the largest workforces are health care & social assistance (27,463 people), lodging & food services (24,337 people), and professional, scientific, & technical services (23,157 people).


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