Isle of Palms, South Carolina had 4.36k inhabitants in 2019 with a median age of 55.2 and a median family income of $122,228. Isle of Palms, South Carolina saw a 0.345% growth in population from 2018 to 2019 (4,360 vs. 435) and an 8.85% rise in median household income ($112,287 vs. $122,228).
White (Non-Hispanic) (92.9%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (3.13%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (2.25%), White (Hispanic) (0.849%), and Other (Hispanic) (0.619%) are the 5 major ethnic groups in Isle of Palms, South Carolina. In Isle of Palms, South Carolina, 0% of homes have a predominant language other than English.
Isle of Palms, South Carolina, has 98.2% citizens.
4.36k individuals call Isle of Palms, South Carolina home; 98.2% of them are citizens. As of 2019, 4.24% of Isle of Palms, South Carolina residents were foreign-born (185 people).
Isle of Palms, South Carolina had 4.05k White (non-Hispanic) residents in 2019, which was 30.7 times higher than any other race or ethnicity. The next most prevalent ethnic groupings were 132 Two+ (non-Hispanic) and 98 Asian (non-Hispanic) inhabitants.
Isle of Palms, South Carolina had 4.05k White (non-Hispanic) residents in 2019, which was 30.7 times higher than any other race or ethnicity. The next most prevalent ethnic groupings were 132 Two+ (non-Hispanic) and 98 Asian (non-Hispanic) inhabitants.
185 residents of Isle of Palms, South Carolina were foreign-born as of 2019, which is less than the 13.7% national average. The percentage of residents who were born abroad in Isle of Palms, South Carolina, was 3.59% in 2018, and the rate has been rising.
The average age of all residents of Isle of Palms, South Carolina, in 2019 was 55.2. With a typical age of 56, native-born individuals were generally older than those who were born abroad, who had a median age of 47. Yet the population of Isle of Palms, South Carolina, is getting younger. The average age of all residents of Isle of Palms, South Carolina, in 2018 was 56.
Mexico accounted for 64,736 of South Carolina's foreign-born residents' birthplaces in 2019, followed by India with 14,943 and Honduras with 11,181 foreign-born individuals.
98.2% of Isle of Palms, South Carolina, people were US citizens as of 2019, which is greater than the 93.4% national average. Isle of Palms, South Carolina has 98.6% US citizens in 2018, which indicates a declining citizenship rate.
3.34 times more military soldiers who served in Vietnam than in any other combat are located in Isle of Palms, South Carolina.
In South Carolina, the average income of men is $1.37 times greater than that of women, who earn $43,921. South Carolina's income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.461, which is less than the country as a whole.
1.7k individuals work in Isle of Palms, South Carolina's economy. In Isle of Palms, South Carolina, professional, scientific, and technical services employ the most people (214), followed by health care & social assistance (208), retail trade (177), and manufacturing (125,982). Transportation & warehousing pays the highest wages ($175,469), followed by transportation & warehousing, & utilities ($134,219), and manufacturing ($125,982).
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EAS Environmental is a specialty asbestos and lead abatement and demolition company that service the state of South Carolina.
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