With 1.81k residents and a typical household income of $100,265 in 2020, Seabrook Island, South Carolina had a 68.2 median age. The population of Seabrook Island, South Carolina increased by 2.72% between 2019 and 2020 to 1,810, while its median household income decreased by 7.91%, from $108,875 to $100,265.
White (non-Hispanic) is the largest ethnic group in Seabrook Island, South Carolina, followed by Black or African American (non-Hispanic), American Indian & Alaska Native (non-Hispanic), Two+ (Hispanic), and White (Hispanic) (0%).
In Seabrook Island, South Carolina, none of the households reported that their primary shared language was anything other than English. This solely takes into account the predominant self-reported language spoken by all household members, not the potential multilingual character of households.
In Seabrook Island, South Carolina, 99.2% of the population is American.
The homeownership rate in Seabrook Island, South Carolina, was 94.8% in 2020, and the median property value was $620,300. The majority of commuters in Seabrook Island, South Carolina traveled alone to work each day, taking an average of 29.2 minutes. In Seabrook Island, South Carolina, households owned two cars on average.
There are 1.81k residents in Seabrook Island, SC, of which 99.2% are citizens. In 2020, 2.98% of Seabrook Island, South Carolina residents were foreign-born (54 people).
In Seabrook Island, South Carolina, White (non-Hispanic) residents (1.79k individuals) outnumbered every other race or ethnicity by 199 times in 2020. The second and third most common ethnic groups, 9 Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 6 American Indian & Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic) residents, respectively, were present.
In Seabrook Island, South Carolina, White (non-Hispanic) residents (1.79k individuals) outnumbered every other race or ethnicity by 199 times in 2020. The second and third most common ethnic groups, 9 Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 6 American Indian & Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic) residents, respectively, were present.
In Seabrook Island, South Carolina, 0.221% of the population is Hispanic (4 people).
In comparison to the national average of 13.5% in 2020, only 2.98% of Seabrook Island, South Carolina citizens (54 persons) were born abroad. Seabrook Island, South Carolina had 4.37% of residents who were foreign-born in 2019, a declining percentage.
Everyone in Seabrook Island, South Carolina, was 68.2 years old on average in 2020. With a median age of 68, Americans who were born in the United States were typically younger than those who were born abroad, who had a median age of 76. However, age is increasing in Seabrook Island, South Carolina. Residents of Seabrook Island, South Carolina, were 68 years old on average in 2019.
In 2020, Mexico accounted for 62,463 of South Carolina's foreign-born residents, followed by India (16,261) and Honduras (12,981). Mexico was the most prevalent birthplace, accounting for the majority of foreign-born residents in South Carolina.
In comparison to the national average of 93.4%, 99.2% of people living in Seabrook Island, South Carolina, were citizens of the US as of 2020. In Seabrook Island, South Carolina, 98.9% of people identified as US citizens in 2019, indicating that the country's citizenship rate has been rising.
Veterans Vietnam veterans make up a significant portion of the military population in Seabrook Island, South Carolina—3.51 times more than in any other combat.
In South Carolina, the average salary for men is $137 times greater than the $45,267 average for women. South Carolina has lower income inequality than the rest of the country (as determined by the Gini index), at 0.462.
There are 583 persons employed in the Seabrook Island, SC, economy. In Seabrook Island, South Carolina, professional, scientific, and technical services employ the most people (154), followed by educational services (75), real estate & rental & leasing (49), and other services except public administration (157,083). Manufacturing earns the highest wages ($166,250), followed by health care & social assistance ($162,500), and manufacturing ($157,083).
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EAS Environmental is a specialty asbestos and lead abatement and demolition company that service the state of South Carolina.
Phone: 843-977-3273
Email: sturner@easenvironmental.com
Address: 9012 Timber St. North Charleston, SC 29406
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